NOTE: This article applies to all Linux operating systems supported by Orchid Fusion VMS except Ubuntu 14.04, which uses SysVinit instead of systemd for managing system services.
Orchid Fusion VMS requires that a Java 8 JRE (Java Runtime Environment) be installed on your server. By default, Orchid Fusion VMS for Linux uses the OpenJDK JRE. While IPConfigure recommends OpenJDK for most installations, embedded devices using ARM processors may see substantial performance gains when using the Oracle JRE instead of the OpenJDK JRE.
Install Oracle Java 8
First, download Java SE Development Kit 8 from Oracle. You should ensure that your usage of Oracle Java 8 is consistent with the Oracle JDK license.
For x86-64 (Intel) systems, download the Linux x86 Compressed Archive. For both 32-bit and 64-bit ARM systems, download the Linux ARM 32 Hard Float ABI archive. As of version 2.6.6, Orchid Fusion VMS provides only a 32-bit ARM version. This version can run on 64-bit ARM platforms, but it will require 32-bit Java.
Extract your downloaded .tar.gz package to the /opt directory on your Orchid Fusion VMS server. For example:
cd /opt
sudo tar xvfz ~/jdk-8u251-linux-arm32-vfp-hflt.tar.gz
Note that the location and name of your downloaded Oracle JDK archive will vary based on your system's hardware architecture and the specific version you have downloaded.
Configure Orchid Fusion VMS to use Oracle Java 8
We will now modify Orchid Fusion VMS's systemd service file to use our newly installed Oracle JRE. First, create a directory for storing your custom additions to the Orchid Fusion VMS service:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/fusion.service.d
Within this directory, create a single file named override.conf with the following contents:
Note that the path to your extracted Oracle JDK directory will vary based on the specific version you have downloaded.
Restart the Orchid Fusion VMS Service and Verify Java Path
With /etc/systemd/system/fusion.service.d/override.conf configured as above, you will need to instruct systemd to reload its service definition files, and then restart the Orchid Fusion VMS service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart fusion.service
Finally, verify the status of the Orchid Fusion VMS service to ensure that it has been run using the java executable you extracted to the /opt directory above:
You have now configured Orchid Fusion VMS to use Oracle Java 8. This configuration will remain in place even if you reinstall or upgrade to a new version of Orchid Fusion VMS.
This is outdated and the repo no longer works
Jared, changing licensing terms by Oracle have eliminated the Debian repositories required by the old version of this article. The article has since been updated with newer instructions that will work (circa May 2020) with JDK tarballs downloaded directly from Oracle.
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