Fusion is distributed on Ubuntu through debian package files (.deb files). The recommended method for installing the package file is through the GDebi Package Installer. GDebi can be used either through command line, or through the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Important: Fusion can only be installed on a 64-bit operating system. If you are currently running a 32-bit operating system then the installer will return an "Architecture not supported error" and Fusion will fail to install.
Note: You will need to be an administrator in order to install software. If the account you’re using is not an administrator account, you will need to login to administrator account before proceeding with the installation.
Note: Installing on Ubuntu 14.04 is only available for Orchid Fusion VMS versions 21.6 and earlier.
Installing through the Command Line:
1. Open the “Terminal” program and navigate to the directory storing the Fusion installation package.
2. Unless GDebi has been installed manually, it will need to be installed using the following command:
sudo apt-get install gdebi
3. Unless OpenJDK has already been manually installed on your server, you will need to install it now. Type the following commands into the terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
If only one version of Java is present on your server, the last two commands above will do nothing. If more than one version is present, select Java 8 when prompted by the last two commands.
4. The gdebi command can now be used to install the Fusion debian package. The syntax is gdebi package-name.deb. For example, if the name of the package is ipc-fusion.deb, the following command would be used:
sudo gdebi ipc-fusion.deb
5. After the installation is complete, Fusion will automatically start up using its default parameters:
- Port: 8080
- User: admin
- Password: password
6. Optional: to modify the Fusion web server port, edit the fusion properties file:
sudo nano /etc/opt/fusion/fusion.properties
Change the line listening.port=8080 to an available port of your choosing. Restart Fusion using the command:
sudo service fusion restart
Fusion is now accessible by pointing any modern web browser to the port you specified above.
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