Troubleshooting Specific Camera: Server Capture Log for Specific Camera
If you are having an issue with a specific camera, it is recommended that you include the log files for that particular camera when creating a trouble ticket with our support team.
Please note: Server capture logs are only available in later versions of ESMv5.4 and higher.
Finding Entity ID For Specific Camera:
First, in the ESM Admin interface find out the Entity ID for the camera having the issue by hovering over the camera name in the device tree. A screen tip or popup will appear at the bottom of the browser window. In the small text, find "cid=xxx". The xxx will be the entityID/cameraID.
These ID #'s can also be found in the archive database ESM5_2. In SQL Management Studio, you can drop down the database tree until you see "views" under the ESM5_2 database. By right-clicking on dbo.CameraDetail, you can choose "select top 1000 rows" in order to identify the camera having the issue.
Finding Server Capture Log with Entity ID (found above) For Specific Camera:
On the archive server that the camera is assigned to, navigate to the C:\(or drive you installed to)Program Files\ipConfigure\ServerCapture\logs
For each Entity/Camera ID, there are two log files:
.log is the log file for the current day
.old is the log file for the previous day
Please attach both of these log files if possible in order for our support team to troubleshoot effectively.
Thank you.
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