Updating to v6.x
- Windows Server 2008 or higher
- .NET Framework 4.5.2 - Installer will prompt you during installation if not currently installed (offline installer download: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42642)
- SQL Server 2008 R2 or higher
- Windows Installer 4.5
- No need to uninstall previous ESM version before installing current.
- Up-to-date browser: Internet Explorer 11, Mozilla Firefox 33+, Opera 25+, Safari 5+ (ESM User Login page will indicate this as well if the browser is not supported)
- Adobe Flash Player 19
- Updated FBGST Player and (if using IE,) ipConfigure Embedded Media Player (Prompted for installation from management server during first login to user interface)
1. Backup Databases:
Before updating, it is recommended that you backup the following databases: ESM5_2, ESM5_2_Central, and aspnetdb (this is only for those using internal authentication): https://ipconfigure.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205280659-Backing-Up-Databases-Before-an-Upgrade
2. Run the Installer - IPConfigure Setup Wizard:
a. Welcome Page -
Press “Next >”
b. End-User License Agreement -
Read through agreement
If in agreement, choose the toggle button for “I agree to the terms in the License Agreement”
Press “Next >”
c. System Components
Depending on the current installation, choose to disabled features as needed by clicking on the drop-down menu and choosing “Entire feature will be unavailable”. (Installer will default to current installation and disable components accordingly)
- If this is an management/archive server combo, all components should be selected for install.
- If archive only, the “Management Server” server component should be disabled
- If archive server that uses a database on another server, the “Database and Streaming Services” should be disabled as well.
Press “Next >”
d. SQL Server:
- Database Server: If database is stored on the local server, enter/leave (local). If capture services only or database is stored on another server, enter that server's DNS or IPAdddress.
- Port: SQL Server port (Commonly port 1433)
- Trusted Connection: Leave check if the user you are currently logged onto the server with has sysadmin privileges to the databases. If not, Uncheck and enter the SQL Username/Password with sysadmin privileges (Commonly the “sa” username/password).
Press “Next >”
e. Authentication:
Choose the type of authentication - either Internal Authentication set up in ESM or Active Directory authentication (pre-populates by installer) from the previous installation.
If Active Directory, enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (Pre-Windows 200 Domain Name) and then the Active Directory Group for ESM System Admins
(Ex. NetBios\Group_Name or Ipctest\ESMAdmins)
Press “Next >”
f. ESM System Properties:
Enter the IPAddress or DNS Name of the server. Please NOTE: this pre-populates from previous installation. DO NOT change this information if you are updating ESM. If installing as management/archive server combo, both fields should be entered the same.
Press “Next >”
g. SMTP settings:
Fields will pre-populate if previous installation including SMTP settings. If you would like the option to schedule reports to be emailed, enter the SMTP settings.
Press “Next >”
h. Select Folder for installation:
This field pre-populates as to where the previous build is installed. DO NOT change this path for ESM updates! Changing the installation path will corrupt the path ESM uses to find the license file and library items.
Press “Next >”
i. Ready to Install:
Last chance to change or cancel wizard
Press “Install”
3. May be prompted with the following:
- “Files in Use” ipConfigure Recording Control Service… (possibly others services as well)
Choose “Automatically close applications and attempt to restart them after setup is complete” >Press “OK”
- “Application Pool “ESMUIAppPool40” already exists on this server. Do you want to skip configuring this application pool and continue the installation?”
Choose “yes”
- “Replace cameras website”
Choose “yes”
- Clean Up IIS logs - "It is recommended that the IIS logs ar cleaned up periodically or IIS logginng is disabled ofr the 'Cameras' web site.
Click "OK"
4. Restart Server:
You must restart your system for the configuration changes made to IPConfigure ESM 6.2 to take effect. Click “Yes” to restart now or “No” if you plan to manually restart later.
NOTE: ESM User interface will prompt automatically with either the FBGST player or both FBGST and EMP players when first logging in depending on browser. These files can be found and manually installed from \\Program Files\ipConfigure\PortalService\Resources (ipConfigure FBGST Media Player and the ipConfigureEMPPackage)
For more assistance, please submit a support ticket at https://support.ipconfigure.com
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