Chrome says that the FBGST plugin is not supported.
Chrome will not automatically advance from ESM prerequisites page even after installing the FBGST player that the page says it is required.
Affected Chrome Versions: 42.0+
To resolve this issue, NPAPI extension support needs to be re-enabled.
1. Open Chrome.
2. Type the following into the URL bar: chrome://flags/#enable- npapi
3. Click enable for "Enable NPAPI Mac, Windows."

4. At the bottom, there will be a message stating the browser needs to be relaunched.
5. Attempt to view the site again.
6. Often, the browser is also disallowing access to the plug-in itself. This needs to be "allowed" in the browser by finding the icon that looks like a puzzle piece with a red-x on it in the right-top corner of the browser in the URL bar. Then choosing always allow.

Please note: Our development team is diligently working to advance ESM to accommodate Chrome's future lack of support of NPAPI plugins.
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