IMPORTANT: The information in this article is specific to Orchid version 1.12.7 or earlier. Equivalent instructions for Orchid versions 2.0.0 and above are available in the Orchid Core VMS Installation Guide in the sections "How to Edit a Configuration File" under each available installation platform.
Orchid and the ONVIF Auto-Discovery service both have properties files which may need to be edited at times to perform actions such as manually resetting the administrator password or updating the port used by Orchid. When necessary, these files can be edited through standard text editors in Linux as the root user.
Note: In order to edit text files as the root user, you will need administrator access to the computer.
The default locations for Orchid’s configuration files in Linux are:
- Orchid’s Default Settings: /etc/opt/
- Stores all of Orchid's default settings and can be used to update Orchid's port number, manually update the admin password, etc.
- ONVIF Auto-Discovery: /etc/opt/
- Used to edit the default settings for the ONVIF Auto-Discovery service used by Orchid.
Editing Configuration Files through the Command Line:
1. Open the “Terminal” program and open Orchid’s configuration file in the nano text editor using the following command:
- sudo nano /etc/opt/
Note: If a different file needs to be edited, such as the ONVIF Auto-Discovery configuration file, change the path to the file name in the above command as needed.
2. After running that command, you will be prompted to enter the “[sudo] password” for your user. Enter the password used to login to your computer.
3. The arrow keys on the keyboard can be used to move the cursor around the file and update any default settings, or new settings can be added to the end of the file.
4. When you are ready to save the file, type “Ctrl + x” on the keyboard, then type “y” and hit the “Enter” key to save the file and close the text editor. If you do not want to save the file, type “n” instead of “y” after typing “Ctrl + x”
The changes to the configuration file will be saved successfully. However, the service will need to be restarted before the new settings will take effect.
Editing Configuration Files through the Graphical User Interface (GUI):
1. Open the “Terminal” program and open Orchid’s configuration file using the following command:
- gksudo gedit /etc/opt/
Note: If a different file needs to be edited, such as the ONVIF Auto-Discovery configuration file, change the path to the file name in the above command as needed.
2. After running that command, you will be prompted to “Enter your password to perform administrative tasks.” Enter the same password you use to login to your computer.
3. A text editor will open in a new window allowing you to edit the configuration file.
4. When you are ready to save the file, click “File” > “Save” to save the configuration file.
The changes to the configuration file will be saved successfully. However, the service will need to be restarted before the new settings will take effect.
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