This document provides a detailed explanation of how to perform a server uninstall of ESM ipConfigure. It guides you through uninstalling ESM and the ipConfigure Embedded Media Player (v5.x), deleting SQL Databases, and deleting/verifying the website and IIS application pools are deleted.
*Please note - This process is for removing ESM entirely from the system as this will remove all ESM data from the system. Please do not complete this process if you are just updating/upgrading programs files.*
Step 1: Uninstall Program Files/Delete Archive Footage
- Navigating to the programs files: Start>>Control Panel>>Programs and Features.
- Highlight ipConfigure ESM. Choose Uninstall.
- Click “Yes” when prompted “Are you sure you want to uninstall ipConfigure ESM?”
- Navigate to the local drive you installed and delete the ipConfigure folder (ex. C:\ipConfigure). (This folder contains licensing information in case you are installing again.)
- Navigate to the local drive you installed on in the programs files >>ipConfigure (ex. C:\programs files\ipConfigure) and delete the ipConfigure folder
- Navigate to the drive or storage path where you directed the archive footage to save and delete these folders. (Default: C:\ipConfigure). These folders will be listed in either of two ways: EntityID\Date or Date\ipaddress.
Step 2: Uninstalling Embedded Media Player (if active-X controls installed when opening the User interface)
- Navigating to the programs files: Start>>Control Panel>>Programs and Features.
- Highlight ipConfigure Embedded Media Player . Choose Uninstall.
- Click “Yes” when prompted “Are you sure you want to uninstall ipConfigure ESM?”
Step 3: Deleting Databases
- Open/Connect Microsoft SQL Management Studio: Database Engine
- Drop down the tree to find/highlight ESM5_2.
- Right click>>choose “Delete”
- Place a checkmark in ‘Delete backup and restore history information for databases’ (there usually is already a checkmark here).
- Place a checkmark in ‘Close Existing Connections’
- Click “OK”
- Repeat Steps 2-6 for ESM5_2_Central and aspnetdb as well.
Step 4: Deleting Cameras Website and IIS Application Pools
- Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Start>>Administrative Tools>>Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
- Drop the tree down for websites. Find Cameras (if not already deleted). Right-click>>choose Remove.
- Drop the tree down. Highlight Application Pools. Verify the following application pools are not listed: ESMAdminAppPool, ESMUIAppPool, ESMWCFAppPool, ipConfigureREmoteAppPool (If listed, right-click>>Choose Remove) (Please note: the names might be slightly different in different versions.)
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