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The following documentation is available for download below:


1 comment

  • Benjamin Curtis

    Full instructions if the user gets an error:

    1. Start Windows Task Scheduler.

    2. Click "Create Task" on the right pane.

    3. Name it "ASPStateCleanup"

    4. Check boxes at the bottom for

    -"Run whether user is logged in or not"

    -"Run with Highest Privileges"

    1. Go to "Triggers" tab -- Click "New.."

    -Begin the task - "On a Schedule"

    -Settings = "Daily", "Recur every '1' Day".

    -Advanced Settings "Repeat Task every 5 minutes for a duration of 1 day"

    1. Go to "Actions" tab -- Click "New.."

    -Action = Start a Program

    -Programs/Script box: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE

    -Arguments: -S localhost -U webcam -P r34d0nly -d ASPState -Q "exec DeleteExpiredSessions"

    -Click OK.

    1. Go to "Settings" tab. Check the box for

    -"Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed"

    -"Allow task to be run on demand"

    -"Stop task if it runs longer than 1 Hour"

    -"If the running task does not end when requested, force it to stop

    -"Dropdown box - Stop the existing instance"


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