1. Open the Command Prompt as Administrator and type 'net stop ipconfigure'
2. Next, in the same Command Prompt window, type 'iisreset /stop'
3. Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
4. Expand the Server and click on "Application Pools." Delete ESMAdminAppPool, ESMAppPool, ESMWCFAppPool, ipConfigureRemoteAppPool.
5. Expand the "Sites" directory. Delete the "Cameras" website by right clicking > delete. Close IIS
6. Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 > SQL Management Studio
7. Login to the server by typing a "." in the server field and using local authentication to log on. (Sometimes you will use username/pass sa/C@m3ra! or sa/P@ssword.)
8. Expand Databases. Delete ESM5_2, ESM5_2_Central and aspnetdb (if it exists). Be sure to check the box "Close all connections" when deleting. Exit SQL Management Studio.
9. Now, Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs/Uninstall a program > Uninstall ipConfigure ESM 5.4 and the Embedded Media Player.
10. Go to where all your archived video files were being saved and delete them.
11. Reopen your command prompt and type 'iisreset /start'
12. Reinstall ESM as the "NEW" option when the installer allows you to select it.
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