When playing back exported video, there are two methods in order to play this video back.
The first method is via Windows Media Player. This will ONLY work if the machine that you are attempting to view the video on has the ipConfigure Embedded Media Player Plugin installed. This plugin contains the appropriate codecs for .asf playback.
The other method is to use VLC Media Player to playback video. It can be downloaded here: http://www.videolan.org/index.html
VLC has the native capabilities to playback .asf files without need for additional codec pack downloads. The ipConfigure Embedded Media Player Plugin does not need to be installed on a system to view the footage via VLC.
Export as Evidence will create a zip file which you will need to extract before attempting playback.
Please NOTE:
The system records in UTC time to render support for all time zones.
ESM then uses the workstations timezone to negotiate the proper time in playback. When exporting video, it will use name the file in UTC time.
If I export footage here on the East coast and my coworker on the west coast exports the same footage, it will, by design, be exported with the same file name (UTC time).
TIP: Are you experiencing choppy video playback? This may be due to the quality of the camera. Try and playback raw footage directly from your archives folder in the archive directory on the server. If these files playback choppy, then the camera is feeding the server choppy video (usually low fps) or you could be experiencing some hardware issues.
Please contact Technical Support if you continue to experience this issue.
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