Please note: This is article is for ESMv5.4.xx ONLY.
This will fix page formatting, un-clickable buttons, black screens where cameras should be and allow Active X to function instead of Silverlight. This will allow audio to be heard and joystick functionality. Video plugin for playback not working correctly.
Ensure ESM is recognized as a local intranet site.
1. Open Internet Explorer 11.
2. Click the 'gear' icon at the top right labeled "tools".
3. Internet Options > Security tab, then click on "Local Intranet".
4. Click "Sites" (make sure all the boxes are checked).
5. Choose "Advanced" and add "http://Your_ESM_URL
Ensure the ESM website is running in compatibility view.
1. Open Internet Explorer 11.
2. Click the 'gear' icon at the top right labeled "tools".
3. Choose "Compatibility View Settings".
4. Add your ESM IP or DNS address to the list.
5. Make sure both boxes at the bottom are checked.
If you continue to have issues, please email support at
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