In v6.4, no info in UI - exporting the .csv file shows the information -However, exporting .xlsx or .pdf files do not work.
This issue was reported and resolve in v6.6.0.
Please follow the directions below to resolve the issue:
Navigate to C:(or the root install directory of ESM)\ipconfigure\ admin\reporting.aspx
Make a copy of the file.
Open the reporting.aspx file
Goto line 411 (ctrl+G in notepad)
It should say:
} else {
right after that line put:
var iframe = $get("reportViewer_iframe");
It should look like this when you're done
if (ForExport) {
window.frames["ScriptTarget"].location.href = ... a long url here
} else {
var iframe = $get("reportViewer_iframe");
var contentWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
contentWindow.RunReport(ServerIDs, ReportID, BeginUTC, EndUTC, SelectedUser);
//iframe.src = .....
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